argumentative essay examples

Top Argumentative Essay Examples for Students

An argumentative essay is a necessary skill for each student who want to succeed in the field of educational writing. To persuade readers of a certain point of view, argumentative essays deliberately combine captivating style, understandable logic, and in-depth research. This kind of essay puts your ability to make a strong case in addition to testing your ability to foresee and refute opposing views. You can improve your writing and provide strong arguments by using the variety of argumentative essay examples in this site.

The Elements of a Strong Argument

Recognizing Your Target Audience

Prior to writing, it is important to identify your audience. You must first have a solid understanding of your readers’ viewpoints, preconceptions, and background knowledge on the topic in order to produce an argumentative essay that will captivate them. By tailoring your words and approach to their point of view, you can make your case far more convincing.

Creation of a Cogent Thesis

Your essay’s core is its thesis statement. It should provide your argument a clear direction and be succinct, detailed, and debatable. A compelling thesis statement not only articulates your viewpoint but also alludes to the supporting details you will provide.

Structuring Your Argument

Introduction: Setting the Stage

An attention-grabbing introduction and a brief synopsis of the topic should be included in argumentative essay examples. Write a hook at the beginning of your piece to grab readers’ attention. Examples of hooks include interesting statistics, provocative questions, or compelling narratives. Restate your thesis statement in the concluding paragraph after giving some background information that sets the scene.

Argumentative Essay Example Hook:

¨Unbelievably, even though about 60% of students say they use their smartphones for schoolwork, schools still strictly forbid pupils from using them in class¨

Body Paragraphs: Building Your Case

Every body paragraph need to center around a single idea that advances your thesis. A topic phrase that concisely expresses the paragraph’s primary concept should come first. Add supporting details to your case, such as facts, figures, professional judgments, or real-world instances, after this. Lastly, connect your thesis to the rest of your argument by elaborating on how this evidence bolsters it.

Example Body Paragraph:

“As an instructional tool, smartphones can be quite helpful. Pew seek Center polled instructors and found that 73% of them believed smartphones made it simpler for kids to seek and gather knowledge. An setting that is more dynamic and engaging is fostered by accessibility, and this is essential for modern education.”

Counter Arguments: Addressing Opposing Views

Effective argumentative essay examples acknowledges opposing viewpoints and offers evidence and logic to back them up. This strengthens your case by anticipating and addressing any potential objections, as well as demonstrating that you understand how complex the issue is.

Example Counterargument:

“Rebels assert that students’ use of smartphones causes distractions that impede their capacity to learn. However, research indicates that restricted smartphone use in the classroom might enhance focus and engagement. Interactive learning environments and educational apps, for instance, can adapt to different learning styles and increase the dynamic nature of the learning process.”

Conclusion: Reinforcing Your Argument

In the conclusion, your thesis statement should be reiterated while taking the arguments and supporting information into consideration. It should also conclude with a call to action and a sense of finality for the reader. Instead of introducing any new material, restate the points made in the essay’s body in the conclusion.

Example Conclusion:

“In conclusion, research indicates that, when carefully incorporated, smartphones can greatly improve the educational experience, despite the ongoing controversy surrounding their usage in classrooms. Schools may better prepare their pupils for a future when digital literacy is essential by embracing technology.”

Real-Life Argumentative Essay Examples

Example 1: Animal testing’s ethical implications

Conclusion Since it results in needless suffering and cannot accurately predict the effects on humans, especially when there are viable alternatives, animal research is unethical and ought to be prohibited.

Points of Support:

  1. Millions of animals suffer greatly each year as a result of animal experimentation.
  2. More recent options, such computer modeling and in vitro testing, yield outcomes that are frequently more precise and compassionate.
  3. Test results may not always apply to humans due to physiological variations between humans and animals.


Advocates contend that the advancement of medicine depends on animal experimentation. Alternative approaches, however, cast doubt on this assertion and imply that innovation can flourish without causing animal pain.

Example 2: How Social Media Affects Mental Wellness

Conclusion Social media encourages addiction, cyberbullying, and irrational expectations, all of which have a negative effect on mental health, especially among young people.

Argumentative Points:

  1. Unrealistic ideals of success and attractiveness are frequently promoted on social networking sites, which can result in problems with body image and low self-esteem.
  2. The psychologically devastating impact of cyberbullying on the victims of such behavior is exacerbated by social media’s anonymity.
  3. Overuse of social media has a bad impact on sleep hygiene and general mental health, and it is associated with addiction.


While social media can be a useful tool for networking and establishing contacts, it can also be detrimental to mental health, particularly for disadvantaged populations.

Advice for Composing an Argumentative Essay That Persuades

Do Your Research

Extensive research is the cornerstone of a persuasive essay. To compile information for your thesis, such as statistics, data, and expert opinions, consult reliable sources. Be sure to assess the validity and applicability of your sources.

Stay Objective

Even while it’s critical to be enthusiastic about your position, keeping an impartial tone enhances your credibility. Don’t make baseless emotional appeals while presenting your facts; instead, present it fairly and logically.

Edit and Revise

After finishing your initial draft, dedicate some time to editing and revising your writing. Seek for conciseness, coherence, and clarity. Make sure your evidence adequately supports your thesis and that your arguments make sense.

Final Words

Careful organization, in-depth research, and a firm grasp of your audience are necessary when writing a convincing argumentative essay. Through adherence to the tactics defined in this article and examination of exemplar argumentative essays, one can skillfully compose arguments that captivate readers and withstand critical examination. Keep in mind that the secret to success is to make a well-rounded argument that recognizes and disproves competing theories before supporting your stance with reason and supporting data.


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